Friday, February 27, 2015

A good start- Lecture on beekeeping

On Tuesday, 27 February 2015, the Jagodina Library hosted a very interesting lecture on beekeeping- Modern methods of bee-keeping, Dadant-Blatt beehive, wintering, preparations for main bee pasture, and swarm prevention.
The topics are very interesting for this time of the year, because in the early spring, beekeepers start with their major activities.

 The room was crowded with people, who were interested to hear a lecturer who comes from a family with over sixty-year long tradition of bee-keeping.

 Having speakers at the library with  great experience and examples of good practice to share with others is a unique opportunity for local bee-keepers to ask for advice, hear
examples and real stories from a bee
yard and find out about different approaches to solving problems in their work.

The audience was very satisfied with the lecture. Most of them are members of the Beekeepers Association Pomoravlje and the are the ones who suggested us Mr. Milošević for a speaker.

We will continue our series of guest lectures related to the project Agricultural libraries in Jagodina.